- A cage with perches and toys ready before the baby comes home
- Food and water dishes in the normal cage areas
- Cardboard on the floor over the grates with a non-shred cloth over it and pillows to pad if the bird falls (I use new twin flat sheets folded seams in)
- Food and water dishes low enough to reach from the floor
- Infant plush toys without eyes or hard pieces
- Baby Bird Formula for supplemental feeding
- Lots of film in your camera (or a digital camera)
- Ingredients to make soft warm foods like oatmeal and scrambled eggs plus munchies like pellets, cheerios, vegetables, fruits, graham crackers, and cereals (low sugar and salt ones)
- A digital scale
- An Avian Veterinarian appointment and get to know your Vet
- A quarantine area if this one is not your only bird
- The same pellets and foods the previous home used
- A spot near a window in a room you spend a lot of time in
- Millet if you will be feeding some seed
- An emergency heat source
- Thermometer for room temperature
- Thermometer for food temperature (or heat sensing child spoon)
- Spray bottle for bird showers, be sure to sanitize for each use
- A toy that plays music
- Rocker to rock your baby to sleep if you would like
- Soft Rope Perch and set it low and keep it trimmed well
- A First Aid Kit for birds
- A safe disinfectant
- A dark colored cloth to cover the cage when the bird sleeps
- A boingie type toy which is a spiral rope stiffened to promote bouncing, flapping and spinning activites
- A separate playtree or playgym with toys
- A Parrot harness and leash
- A toenail pedicure type perch in the cage to keep those sharp points blunted
There are a lot of opinions on what kind of disinfectant is best, what kinds of toys to buy, what kinds of pellets to provide and others of the layette items listed. Please investigate these and satisfy your common sense test. Your baby bird is depending on you to make decisions for his/her well-being and proper development so do your homework and research the latest ideas and facts about items.
The excitement and anxiety of bringing home that new baby parrot is a day you will long remember.
Enjoy your baby bird!